public health education
Terrifying Trends in Adolescent Substance Abuse
Globally, an estimated 64 million people were suffering from drug use disorders in 2022, with cases of adolescent substance abuse evident in all regions of the world.
Adolescence describes the phase of life when people transition from childhood to adulthood (ages 10-19). During this period a person experiences rapid biological, cognitive, physiological, and psychological change. It’s also when a person establishes both positive and negative patterns of behavior that can relate to physical activity, diet, sexual activity, and substance use. This vital stage of human development is crucial in building the foundations of good health as these learnt behaviors can continue to influence a person for the rest of their lives. When adolescents are continuously exposed to substances before their brain can fully mature there is a much higher risk of developing a dependency and psychiatric complications.
ASPPH Helps Frame the Future of Public Health Education
A clear and interesting example of innovation through adaptation lies in the domain of Public Health Education. Toward the end of 2016, we reported on …