Sustainable Development Goals
Clean Water and Sanitation: A Global Report Card
Clean water and sanitation is central to sustainable development and the post-2015 development agenda, with strong linkages to many of the other proposed Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more through the excellent infographics provided below, and do remember to share this important knowledge with friends and family.
Credits: Unilever for World Water Day
Breaking Down UN SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all. From reducing maternal and child mortality to combating infectious diseases, SDG 3 encompasses a wide range of health-related issues that are essential for building a sustainable planet.
In this infographic, we will delve deeper into the specific targets of SDG 3 and examine the progress made so far in achieving them. Join us as we explore the importance of good health and well-being, and the steps we can take to make it a reality for everyone.
Rachel Carson: Finding the Balance
Rachel Carson’s legacy teaches that one person can bring about positive change that will impact millions of lives.
WMR Highlights Successes, Stresses Need for More Funding
The 2016 World Malaria Report (WMR) follows a familiar theme: a positive accounting of successes to-date with a strong undercurrent regarding the need for better …