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Deforestation 101

Forests cover about 30% of the planet, but deforestation is clearing these essential habitats on a massive scale. What is deforestation? Find out the causes, effects, and solutions to deforestation.

Vector-borne Diseases & Climate Change

Climate change creates new risks, particularly in the United States, for human exposure to vector-borne diseases (VBDs) — diseases which are transmitted to humans through the bites of insects (referred to as vectors) that carry the disease-causing pathogens. Common vectors include mosquitoes, ticks, and flies.

Climate change creates new uncertainties about the spread of VBDs such as the Zika virus, dengue fever, malaria, and Lyme disease by altering conditions that affect the development and dynamics of the disease vectors and the pathogens they carry.

Parasites Need Conservation Too

Parasites like ticks and worms are often seen as pests and agents of diseases, but ecologists argue many parasites are actually harmless to humans and …

Tick Season Troubles

Even while staying six feet apart, people venturing outside during quarantine are being exposed to other diseases: those carried by ticks. Ticks don’t obey any …